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Our Story

With the development of the gMeck back regenerators, Herbert Mayrhofer laid the foundation for a company that will sustainably change the way we deal with back problems. The machine offers wellness and sports facilities the unique opportunity to help people lead their lives actively again, with increased back comfort.


Herbert Mayrhofer, the developer of the gMeck and founder of Meck, was one of the greats in Austrian mechanical engineering. His outstanding observational skills enabled him to identify problems and find solutions for them. Many people experience limitations in their daily lives due to back pain. With the gMeck, Herbert Mayrhofer developed a machine aimed at enhancing well-being and freedom of movement in the back area. Mayrhofer dreamed of a future in which his innovation contributes to sustainably improving the back well-being of many people and enabling them to lead a more active life.

Herbert Mayrhofer , inventor of the gMECK